Information on Utah driving law and Utah traffic laws...
Some drivers do not meet acceptable driving standards. In accordance with Utah driving law, the Driver Services Bureau, Driver License Division, is here to help those drivers, if possible, and to take corrective action, if necessary. They also deal with cases of license fraud and alteration.
The various driver control programs are designed to result in improved driver attitude and performance. In most cases, the treatment programs are successful.
However, some drivers are unable or unwilling to correct their bad habits. Those drivers can expect revocation, suspension, denial or disqualification of their driving privileges for violations of Utah traffic laws.
When Your Privilege to Drive Must be Revoked
Under Utah driving law, your driver license will be revoked if a court finds you guilty of any of the following violations of Utah traffic laws:
- Manslaughter or negligent homicide while driving.
- A second or subsequent conviction for driving or being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated or while any measurable controlled substance or metabolite of a controlled substance is in your body (including prescribed medications).
- Making a false statement under oath when applying for a driver license.
- Committing a felony in which a motor vehicle is used, including automobile homicide.
- Failure to stop and give aid if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident resulting in the death of, or personal injury to another.
- Two charges of reckless driving in one year. (The court may recommend that your license be suspended for three months on the first conviction.) Reckless driving is defined as operating a vehicle in a willful and/or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.
- Refusing to stop after receiving a visual or audible signal from a police officer.
- Failure to show proof of no-fault insurance or other security as required under the Utah Automobile No-fault Insurance Act.
- Operating a vehicle or allowing a vehicle registered to you to be operated without required insurance or proof of financial responsibility.
- Discharging or allowing the discharge of a firearm from a vehicle.
- Using, allowing the use of, or causing to be used any explosive, chemical or incendiary device from a vehicle.
In accordance with Utah driving law, if you forfeit bail after being arrested for one of the offenses of Utah traffic laws mentioned above, your driver license will be revoked/suspended as if you had appeared in court and been found guilty.
When Your Privilege to Drive May be Suspended
Under Utah driving law, your driver license may be suspended for as long as one year. Some reasons the Division may suspend your driving privilege are:
- You have been convicted of an offense for which mandatory suspension is required.
- By reckless or unlawful conduct, you have caused or contributed to an accident in which someone was injured or killed or which resulted in serious property damage.
- You are incompetent to drive, or have a mental or physical condition that would make you an unsafe driver.
- You have unlawfully or fraudulently used your license or permitted its use by someone else.
- You have refused to take or failed to pass a review examination as ordered by the Division.
- You have been convicted of sufficient violations of Utah driving law to be subject to the Division Point System.
- You have been arrested for DUI or been found guilty of any drug offense.
- You operated or permitted to be operated a motor vehicle owned by you without the required security.
- As a Utah driver, you failed to appear in court for a traffic violation when it occurred in Utah or in a Nonresident Violator Compact member state; or that you failed to satisfy fees, fines or restitution to the court on any criminal charge.
Utah's Point System
Over 21 Years of Age
The point system is a part of Utah's Driver Improvement Program. Points are assigned for specific types of violations of Utah driving law. If you acquire 200 or more points within a three-year period, you will be asked to appear for a hearing.
Based on that hearing, you may be placed on probation, requested to take the Defensive Driving Course or have your driving privilege suspended. Under Utah driving law, the suspension may be for three months, six months or one year, depending on your record.
Under 21 Years of Age
Utah drivers under the age of 21 are subject to a stiffer point system. Under Utah driving law, an accumulation of 70 points or more within a three-year period may result in a hearing and a subsequent suspension or denial of driving privileges from 30 days up to one year.
Utah Driving Law Point Distribution
- Reckless Driving 80
- Speeding (Depending on Severity) 35 to 75
- Failure to Yield Right-of-Way 60
- Following too Closely (Tailgating) 60
- Wrong Side of Road 60
- Wrong Way on One-way Street 60
- Red Light 50
- Stop Sign 50
- Improper Lookout 50
- Improper Passing 50
- Negligent Collision 50
- Other Moving Violations 40
NOTE: Under Utah driving law, except for speeding tickets, points for violations of Utah traffic laws may vary plus or minus 10%, depending upon the recommendation of the court.
How to Clear Your Record
By driving safely, you can clear your own record. The point system provides that when you drive one full year without being convicted of a moving traffic violation, half of the total points on your record will be removed.
If you drive two successive years without a conviction for violation of Utah driving law, all points will be removed from your record. Points for individual convictions for violations of Utah traffic laws are automatically removed from your record three years after the date of the violation.
As a further incentive, 50 points may be removed from your record upon completion of a defensive driving course recommended by the Division. In accordance with Utah driving law, this 50 point reduction will be permitted only once during any three-year period.
Driver's Record
The Driver License Division maintains a computerized driving and accident record of every driver in the State. It contains a record of convictions for moving violations of Utah traffic laws and suspensions within the past three years.
Under Utah driving law, all alcohol/drug related violations, suspensions and revocations remain on the record for six years. When a driver is convicted of a moving traffic violation, notice of the court action is sent to the Division for posting on the driver's record.
In accordance with Utah driving law, your driving record will be submitted to the National Problem Driver Pointer System and a record of suspensions and revocations will be available to any state upon inquiry.